Hi, I am Audrey Jo

software developer

a picture of Audrey Jo smiling

What I do

Mobile App Development

Built an Android mobile app called Hello Leafy with data in Firestore and Cloud Storage geared towards plant lovers who want to get advice on raising plants and share their love of plants.

Full-Stack Web Development

Built websites using basic HTML, CSS, and JS like this portfolio site. Used MERN stack to build a plant community website where people can get advice on how to raise plants and search information about plants.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analysis

2 years of work experience using Python to automate GIS analyses. Classified satellite images, created 3D model of buildings, and developed indoor navigation.

see my work

Who I am

Software Developer at Johnson & Johnson

I am a Software Developer at Johnson & Johnson.

I really enjoy collaborating as a team to learn new technologies and develop innovative solutions to challenging problems.

Audrey smiling

My work

A selection of my range of work

Text Animator Breakout Game Plant Care NASA's Picture of the Day Jeopardy API